In life we all have expectations.
We all have this idea of how things
are going to be & how things should be.
We all want to be treated with respect,
feel like if we worked hard for what we want,
that's what we'll get.
I'm confused more now than ever before.
College for 4 years,
commuted every single day.
Major in Criminal Justice.
I feel like that all went away.
None of it was easy,
as I look back now.
I expected to land a job,
I expected to have it figured out.
From one job to another I only felt more confused,
I thought I was getting closer to what I wanted to do.
What at the time made me the most excited,
took me in and spit me right back out.
You want to know what the worst feeling is?
Being used.
Taken advantage of.
Being abused,
by people who you thought appreciated you.
Why do people do some of the things that they do?
All roads lead to you...
Through college I loved you,
Through my childhood I loved you,
Through pain I loved you even more.
Through confusion, frustration and realization,
I loved you.
My mind is a little hurt,
but my eyes are very much open now.
We’re put in difficult situations in order to
be where we were meant to.
The path is now clear,
That path is now yours.
You have opened all doors.
At each stage in my life you have knocked.
In this one, I locked you out for a while.
Still knocking I would ignore you.
You made it so that I can’t ignore you anymore.
I am free.
There is no longer a door.
You live inside me.
You've always lived inside my heart,
so certain of my needs.
It's time for me to give you all the love
that you've always given me.
I'm all yours.
You're all mine.
Before I had no idea how to truly treat you,
I didn't know what to do.
Now I see dear poetry,
All Roads Lead To You.