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Take a second to stop and smell the roses, everything will work itself out.

January Seventh

A piece dedicated to my amazing father, I don't know what I would of done or would do next without you. My forever best friend.
January Seventh
Are We Free?

Are We Free?

This poem depicts the question on how free we really are in this world.


This piece instills confidence, this piece stands up for you.
Where Does The Time Go?

Where Does The Time Go?

Time flies but we grow in that time. Time creates a better version of you each day and we get to look back and reminisce on the time when.

You Saved Me

Poetry saved my life.
You Saved Me
In The Middle

In The Middle

We all come to a point where we get stuck, we feel like we don't know which way to go or how to get out of a situation in your mind and in life. It's possible to get passed being stuck when you just believe in yourself.


This particular poem is all about appreciation, the mindset you can create for yourself and realizing all that you do have. I took a trip to Dominican Republic and witnessed extreme poverty and children who were so happy with so little. It changed my life forever. Never loose sight of all the things you do have focusing on the things that you don't because I guarantee someone somewhere else has it worse.
Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

Inside every sad/cruel/hurtful situation lays something positive, its up to you to see it.

At War

Sometimes your mental health takes over, sometimes it's not in a good place. You are stronger then your mind. Some days are way harder than others but in the end you can fight and you can win.
At War